Friday, September 8, 2017

Where I plan to see myself..

 In 10 years I see myself behind a desk, programming games or perhaps websites. My passion is coding, I do it every day after school for hours on end. I personally don't know where this possible career will take me, I just know that I unquestionably want to do this for a living. I also wish to live near water, doesn't have to be a public beach, or anywhere with loads of sand. I just want to swim. If I'm able to move near a swimmable lake, or something similar, I'll be fine just where I am. I don't plan to live by myself, but I also don't know who would live with me. I guess I'll find out as the time comes.



  1. You should join Robotics! You can code and drive around robots and stuff. It's really fun. Great blog post also.

  2. I love the idea of living near water too! It sounds very relaxing. I hope you follow your passion. I'm sure you're going to be a great coder!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What made you get into coding?
